Title | Year | Keywords |
LEGO Star Wars | 2005 | Action - Action-adventure - Beat'em all - Fight - Flight - Futuristic - Lego - Puzzle-solving - Science fiction - Shooter - Star wars |
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game | 2005 | Action - Action-adventure - Flight - Futuristic - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Shooter |
LEGO Technic Cybermaster | 1998 | Educational - Fighting - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Science |
Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards | 1991 | Adult - Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals | 1989 | Adult - Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work | 1991 | Adult - Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! | 1993 | Adult - Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) | 1988 | Adult - Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards | 1987 | Adult - Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail! | 1996 | Adult - Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Lemming Rampage | 2009 | Action - Arcade - Flight - Puzzle-solving |
Lemmings | 1991 | Cute - Puzzle - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Lemmings | 2006 | Level editor - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Lemmings 2: The Tribes | 1993 | Puzzle - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Lemmings Paintball | 1996 | Action - Cute - Paintball - Platform - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Sports - Strategy |
Lemmings Revolution | 2000 | Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events | 2004 | Action - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events | 2004 | Action - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Lemure | 2008 | Arcade - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Leonardo | 1989 | Action - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Leonid | 1992 | Action - Puzzle-solving - Shooter - Strategy |
Les Guignols De L'Info...Le Jeu ! | 1995 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Les Manley in: Lost in L.A. | 1991 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Les Manley in: Search for the King | 1990 | Adventure - Interactive fiction with graphics - Puzzle-solving |
Les Visiteurs: Le Jeu | 1998 | Adventure - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
Let's Play: Schools | 2008 | Action - Board game - Educational - Music - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving - Simulation |
Letter Lab | 2008 | Educational - Puzzle-solving - Reading writing - Strategy |
Lettergreep | 1996 | Mental training - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Letters from Nowhere | 2010 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Lettrix | 1990 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Lex Venture: A Crossword Caper | 2008 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Lexi-Cross | 1991 | Futuristic - Game show - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Lexicon Word Challenge | 1998 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Leximo! | 2010 | Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Lexis | 1999 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Leyendas de Lhodrye: Arakhas el Oscuro | 1997 | Adventure - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
Leyendas de Lhodrye: La Luz del Druida | 1997 | Adventure - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
LifeSigns: Surgical Unit | 2004 | Adventure - Manga - Puzzle-solving - Simulation - Strategy |
Lifestream | 2004 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
Light Crusader | 1995 | Action - Action role-playing - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving - Role-playing |
Lighthouse: The Dark Being | 1996 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Lights Out | 2004 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
Lightspeed | 2003 | Level editor - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Lilo & Stitch | 2002 | Action - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Shooter - Stealth |
Limbo of the Lost | 2007 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Lin Wu's Challenge | 1990 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Lines | 1992 | Puzzle - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Lingo | 1994 | Game show - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |