Title | Year | Keywords |
Melty Blood | 2005 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Puzzle-solving |
Même les pommes de terre ont des yeux! | 1985 | Adventure - Interactive fiction with graphics - Puzzle-solving |
Memento Mori | 2008 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Puzzle-solving |
Memorabilia: Mia's Mysterious Memory Machine | 2010 | Action - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
Memory | 1988 | Board game - Cards - Puzzle-solving - Strategy - Turn-based |
Memory | 1991 | Cards - Mental training - Puzzle-solving - Strategy - Turn-based |
Memory Clinic | 2010 | Adventure - Mental training - Puzzle-solving |
Memory Loops | 2005 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
MemoTrimo | 2003 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Memra | 2010 | Board game - Educational - Mental training - Puzzle-solving |
Men In Black: Crashdown | 2001 | Action - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Real-time |
Men in Black: The Series - Crashdown | 2001 | Action - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Real-time |
Menateus | 1996 | Action - Adventure - Comics - Ecology - Educational - Futuristic - Interactive fiction - Interactive fiction with graphics - Interactive movie - Puzzle-solving - Real-time |
Mensa Mindbenders | 1996 | Educational - Licensed - Math - Mental training - Puzzle-solving |
Mental Kombat | 1998 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Mental Repairs, Inc. | 2008 | Adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
Mercenary | 1985 | Action-adventure - Adventure - Flight - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
Mercenary: Escape from Targ - The Second City | 1986 | Action - Add-on - Flight - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Simulation |
Mercury Meltdown | 2006 | Puzzle - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Mercury Meltdown Revolution | 2007 | Puzzle - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Merlin's Walls | 1999 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Mermaid Madness | 1986 | Action - Puzzle-solving |
Mermaids of Atlantis: A Riddle of a Magic Bubble | 1991 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
META | 2005 | Adventure - Level editor - Mental training - Puzzle-solving |
Metal Walker | 2001 | Battlemech - Futuristic - Manga - Puzzle-solving - Role-playing - Strategy |
Meteos | 2005 | Puzzle - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Meteos: Disney Magic | 2007 | Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Metris | 1997 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Metris II | 2002 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Metris IV | 2007 | Arcade - Manga - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes | 2004 | Action - Action-adventure - Arcade - First-person shooter - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Shooter |
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption | 2007 | Action - First-person action-adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Shooter |
Metroid Prime Hunters | 2006 | Action - Cyberpunk - First-person shooter - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Shooter - Survival horror |
Metropolis Crimes | 2009 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Puzzle-solving |
Mickey's Colors & Shapes | 1991 | Educational - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving |
Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker | 1991 | Educational - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Reading writing |
Mickey's Jigsaw Puzzles | 1991 | Arts - Educational - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving |
Mickey's Racing Adventure | 1999 | Action - Arcade - Comics - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Racing |
Mickey's Runaway Zoo | 1991 | Educational - Math - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving |
Mickey's Space Adventure | 1984 | Adventure - Educational - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Science |
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge | 1994 | Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
MicroProse Entertainment Pack Vol #1: Dr Floyd's Desktop Toys | 1993 | Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Microsoft Adventure | 1979 | Adventure - Interactive fiction - Puzzle-solving |
Microsoft Encarta (Included game) | 1993 | Educational - Geography - History - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving - Religion - Science - Sociology - Strategy |
Microsoft Puzzle Collection Entertainment Pack | 2000 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Midas | 2011 | Action - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Midnight Building | 1983 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Midnight Mysteries: Devil on the Mississippi | 2011 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Horror - Puzzle-solving |