Title | Year | Keywords |
Short Circuit | 1987 | Action - Futuristic - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Shooter |
Shoujo Attack! | 2004 | Futuristic - Manga - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Shove It! The Warehouse Game | 1990 | Level editor - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Shrek Forever After: The Video Game | 2010 | Action - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Shrek: Super Party | 2002 | Action - Board game - Party - Puzzle-solving |
Shuffle | 1990 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Shuffle 15 | 2006 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Shuffle Pix | 1990 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
ShuffleBomb2 | 2010 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Shutter Island | 2010 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Sid & Al's Incredible Toons | 1993 | Level editor - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Sid Meier's Pirates! | 2007 | Action - Licensed - Naval - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Sidewalk | 1987 | Action - Adventure - Fighting - Puzzle-solving |
Siege Hero | 2011 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Sigma Star Saga | 2005 | Action - Arcade - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Role-playing - Shooter |
Sil: The Silhouette Game | 2006 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Silent Hill | 1999 | Action - Psychological horror - Puzzle-solving - Survival horror |
Silent Hill 2 | 2001 | Action - Psychological horror - Puzzle-solving - Survival horror |
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams | 2001 | Action - Puzzle-solving - Survival horror |
Silent Hill 3 | 2003 | Action - Psychological horror - Puzzle-solving - Survival horror |
Silent Hill 4: The Room | 2004 | Action - Fighting - Psychological horror - Puzzle-solving - Shooter - Survival horror |
Silent Hill Homecoming | 2008 | Action - Fighting - Psychological horror - Puzzle-solving - Shooter - Survival horror |
Silent Hill Mobile 2 | 2008 | Adventure - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
Silent Hill Mobile 3 | 2010 | Adventure - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
Silent Hill: Origins | 2007 | Action - Fighting - Psychological horror - Puzzle-solving - Shooter - Survival horror |
Silent Hill: Orphan | 2007 | Adventure - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories | 2009 | Action - Adventure - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
Simon | 2006 | Memory - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Simon the Sorcerer | 1993 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Simon the Sorcerer 3D | 2002 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Simon the Sorcerer 4: Chaos Happens | 2007 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe | 1995 | Adventure - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack | 1998 | Action - Cards - Puzzle-solving |
Simon the Sorcerer: Who'd Even Want Contact?! | 2009 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Simply HangMan | 2010 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Simulcra | 1990 | Action - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Shooter |
Sinbad | 1984 | Action - Adventure - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
Sinister City | 2010 | Adventure - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
Sink or Swim | 1993 | Platform - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Sinking Island | 2007 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Puzzle-solving |
Sir AddaLot's "Mini" Math Adventure | 1993 | Educational - Math - Medieval fantasy - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving - Real-time |
Siren: Blood Curse | 2008 | Action - Puzzle-solving - Stealth - Survival horror |
Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure | 2011 | Action - Puzzle-solving |
Sixty Five Million and One BC | 2008 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Skägget I Brevlådan | 2008 | Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Skarbnik | 1993 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Sketch It | 2008 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Skool Daze | 1985 | Action - Adventure - Puzzle-solving |