Title | Year | Keywords |
Star Trek: Die Verlorenen | 2004 | Adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
Star Trek: Elite Force II | 2003 | Action - First-person shooter - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Shooter |
Star Trek: First Contact | 1988 | Adventure - Futuristic - Interactive fiction - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Star Trek: Hidden Evil | 1999 | Action - Futuristic - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Star Trek: Judgment Rites | 1993 | Adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
Star Trek: Judgment Rites Movie & Sound Pack | 1994 | Add-on - Adventure - Futuristic - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Advanced Holodeck Tutorial | 1994 | Futuristic - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Simulation - Strategy |
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Transinium Challenge | 1989 | Adventure - Futuristic - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Star Trek: The Next Generation / A Final Unity | 1995 | Adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle solving - Puzzle-solving - Simulation |
Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force | 2004 | Action - Flight - Futuristic - Platformer - Puzzle-solving - Shooter |
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures | 2010 | Action - Licensed - Persistent universe - Puzzle-solving - Racing - Shooter |
Star Wars: Droids | 1988 | Action - Futuristic - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Star Wars: Jar Jar's Journey Adventure Book | 1999 | Arts - Ecology - Educational - Futuristic - Interactive fiction - Licensed - Music - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving - Reading writing |
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance | 2006 | Action - Action-adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Shooter - Stealth |
Star Wars: Pit Droids | 1999 | Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
Star Wars: Yoda Stories | 1997 | Action - Adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
Starflight: A Cosmic Adventure | 1993 | Adventure - Cyberpunk - Detective - Mystery - Futuristic - Interactive fiction - Puzzle-solving |
Stargate | 1994 | Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Staries | 2007 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Starion | 1985 | Action - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving - Shooter - Strategy |
Starquake | 1984 | Action - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
Starship Titanic | 1998 | Adventure - Futuristic - Interactive fiction with graphics - Puzzle-solving |
StarTropics | 1990 | Action - Action-adventure - Adventure - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Statetris | 2007 | Educational - Geography - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Statix | 1994 | Action - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Stay Tooned! | 1996 | Action - Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Steam | 2007 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Steg the Slug | 1992 | Action - Puzzle-solving |
Stell-A-Sketch/Okie Dokie | 1997 | Arts - Educational - Puzzle-solving - Simulation - Strategy |
Step On It! | 1996 | Action - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Sterling's Gift | 2007 | Adventure - Educational - History - Puzzle-solving |
Steve no Daibōken: Chinmoku no Jishaku | 2010 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Steve the Sheriff | 2008 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Steve the Sheriff 2: The Case of the Missing Thing | 2009 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Stickybear: Family Fun - Games | 1995 | Board game - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Strategy - Turn-based |
Stickybear: Math | 1994 | Action - Arcade - Educational - Licensed - Math - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Stickybear: Preschool | 1994 | Educational - Licensed - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving |
Still Life 2 | 2009 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Puzzle-solving |
StixWorld | 1998 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Stone Age | 1992 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Stone Edge | 1991 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Stone-Jong | 2007 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
StoneAge Sam | 2008 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
StoneAge Sam 2: The Ice Age | 2009 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Stoneloops! of Jurassica | 2008 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Stones of Khufu | 2007 | Action - Puzzle-solving |
Storage Inc | 2009 | Arcade - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Storyteller | 2008 | Action - Puzzle-solving |