Title | Year | Keywords |
The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink | 1998 | Adventure - Ecology - Educational - Foreign language - Geography - History - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Religion |
The Polar Express | 2004 | Action - Adventure - Puzzle-solving - Racing |
The Polyphonic Spree: The Quest for the Rest | 2004 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
The Power | 1991 | Level editor - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
The Powerpuff Girls: Him and Seek | 2002 | Action - Arcade - Fighting - Licensed - Music - Pinball - Puzzle-solving |
The Pretender: Part One | 2009 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
The Pretender: Part Two | 2010 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
The Price of Magik | 1986 | Adventure - Interactive fiction with graphics - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
The Princess Bride Game | 2008 | Action - Licensed - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
The Prisoner | 1980 | Adventure - Espionage - Futuristic - Interactive fiction - Puzzle-solving |
The Prisoner 2 | 1982 | Adventure - Espionage - Interactive fiction - Interactive fiction with graphics - Puzzle-solving |
The Prophecy | 1992 | Adventure - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
The Proud Family | 2005 | Adventure - Licensed - Music - Puzzle-solving |
The Psychotron | 1994 | Action - Adventure - Interactive movie - Puzzle-solving |
The Pumpkinator | 2005 | Action - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
The Pyramids of Ra | 1991 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
The Quest | 1983 | Adventure - Interactive fiction with graphics - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
The Quest for the Holy Grail | 1984 | Adventure - Interactive fiction with graphics - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
The Quest of Ki | 1988 | Action - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
The Quest of Kwirk's Castle | 1991 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
The Quivering | 1998 | Adventure - Futuristic - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
The Race: Worldwide Adventure | 2008 | Adventure - Game show - Puzzle-solving |
The Real Ghostbusters | 1992 | Action - Comics - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
The Repossessor | 2001 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
The Residents' Bad Day on the Midway | 1995 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Puzzle-solving |
The Return of Ishtar | 1988 | Action - Arcade - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
The Return of Monte Cristo | 2009 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
The Ring: Terror's Realm | 2000 | Action - Detective - Mystery - Futuristic - Horror - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
The Rise of Atlantis | 2007 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
The Rockin Dead | 2011 | Adventure - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
The Rocky Horror Show | 1985 | Action - Licensed - Puzzle-solving |
The Rollercoaster Experience | 1995 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
The Romantic Blue | 1994 | Adventure - Horror - Puzzle-solving |
The Rub Rabbits! | 2005 | Action - Adventure - Mini- - Puzzle-solving |
The Sacred Amulet | 1999 | Adventure - History - Puzzle-solving |
The Sacred Armour of Antiriad | 1986 | Action - Maze - Plateform - Platform - Puzzle-solving - Science fiction |
The Sacred Mirror of Kofun | 1996 | Adventure - Naval - Puzzle-solving |
The Sacred Rings | 2007 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
The Scrolls of Abadon | 1984 | Action - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
The Scruffs | 2007 | Comics - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
The Search for Amelia Earhart | 2010 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
The Second Kids' World Almanac Adventure | 1990 | Detective - Mystery - Educational - Geography - History - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Science |
The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary | 1992 | Adventure - Educational - Math - Puzzle-solving - Survival horror |
The Secret of Donkey Island | 1994 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
The Secret of Margrave Manor | 2008 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Puzzle-solving |
The Secret of Monkey Island | 1990 | Adventure - Graphic adventure - Puzzle-solving |
The Secret of Monkey Island (Demo Version) | 1990 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition | 2009 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |