Title | Year | Keywords |
A Scrambled Word Game | 1980 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
A Small Favor | 2009 | Adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
A Tale of Two Kingdoms | 2007 | Adventure - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
A Ticket to Ride | 1986 | Adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
A Vampyre Story | 2008 | Adventure - Horror - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
A-B-O-O: Plumeboom's Friends | 2008 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
A.D. 2044 | 1996 | Adventure - Futuristic - Post-apocalyptic - Puzzle-solving |
A.D. 2044: Seksmisja | 1991 | Adventure - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |
Aah Little Atlantis | 2010 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy - Turn-based |
Aargon | 1999 | Puzzle - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Aargon Deluxe | 2001 | Level editor - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Aban Hawkins & 1000 Spikes | 2011 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Abandon | 2009 | Action - Puzzle-solving |
Abandoned Bricks | 2004 | Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Abandoned Places 2 / Abandoned Places II | 1993 | Fighting - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving - Role-playing |
Abashera | 2003 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
ABC Cubes: Teddy's Playground | 2009 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Abenteuer Atlantis | 1992 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Abenteuer Europa | 1994 | Adventure - Puzzle-solving |
Above and Beyond! | 2000 | Adventure - Espionage - Interactive fiction - Puzzle-solving |
Abra Academy | 2007 | Adventure - Licensed - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
Abra Academy: Returning Cast | 2007 | Adventure - Licensed - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
Abstacked | 2008 | Action - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Abyss | 1987 | Action - Arcade - Puzzle-solving |
Abyss | 1984 | Adventure - Futuristic - Interactive fiction with graphics - Manga - Puzzle-solving |
Abyss II: Tears of Emperor | 1985 | Adventure - Futuristic - Interactive fiction with graphics - Manga - Puzzle-solving |
Academy of Magic: Word Spells | 2005 | Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth | 2009 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Manga - Puzzle-solving - Simulation |
Achievement Unlocked | 2008 | Action - Puzzle-solving |
Achievement Unlocked 2 | 2010 | Action - Puzzle-solving |
Acia | 1989 | Action - Level editor - Puzzle-solving |
Acid Drop | 1992 | Arcade - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Acid Tetris | 1998 | Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy |
Acigol | 1980 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Acupwnture | 2010 | Action - Board game - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Ad Verbum | 2000 | Adventure - Interactive fiction - Puzzle-solving |
Adam's Venture: Episode 2 - Solomon's Secret | 2011 | Action - Educational - Puzzle-solving - Religion |
Adax | 1992 | Action - Puzzle-solving |
ADVENTURE | 2007 | Adventure - Interactive fiction - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
Adventure Chronicles: The Search for Lost Treasure | 2008 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Puzzle-solving |
Adventure Inlay | 2005 | Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Adventure Island IV | 1994 | Action - Adventure platformer - Puzzle-solving |
Adventure Joe | 2000 | Action - Puzzle-solving |
Adventure Master | 1984 | Adventure - Interactive fiction with graphics - Level editor - Puzzle-solving |
Adventure Quest | 1983 | Adventure - Interactive fiction - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving |
Adventure Workshop 4th-6th Grade | 2002 | Adventure - Ecology - Educational - Geography - History - Math - Puzzle-solving - Science |
Adventure Workshop: 4th-6th Grade - 5th Edition | 2004 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Ecology - Educational - Espionage - Geography - History - Licensed - Math - Puzzle-solving - Reading writing - Science |
Adventure: 3 Out-Of-This-World Games | 1996 | Adventure - Detective - Mystery - Futuristic - Puzzle-solving |