Title | Year | Keywords |
Blue Wing Blitz | 2001 | Flight - Manga - Role-playing - Strategy - Tactical role-playing |
Bob's Dragon Hunt | 1992 | Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Bodyconquest II: Kyūseishu | 1993 | Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Boiling Point: Road to Hell | 2005 | Action - Racing - Role-playing - Shooter |
Bokosuka Wars | 1984 | Medieval fantasy - Role-playing - Strategy |
Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django | 2004 | Action - Action role-playing - Puzzle-solving - Role-playing - Shooter - Strategy |
Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand | 2003 | Action - Action role-playing - Futuristic - Shooter - Strategy |
Boku no Natsuyasumi | 2000 | Action - Adventure - Collection - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Bokujō Monogatari: Harvest Moon for Girl | 2000 | Managerial - Manga - Role-playing - Simulation |
Bokuj? Monogatari: Y?koso! Kaze no Bazaar e | 2008 | Role-playing - Simulation |
Bomber Quest | 1994 | Adult - Manga - Puzzle-solving - Role-playing - Strategy - Turn-based |
Bomberman Quest | 1998 | Action role-playing |
Bomberman Story / Bomberman Tournament | 2001 | Action - Action role-playing - Puzzle-solving - Strategy |
Bones: The Game of the Haunted Mansion | 1991 | Futuristic - Interactive fiction - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Bonez Adventures: Tomb of Fulaos | 2005 | Action - Adventure - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Role-playing |
Bookworm Adventures | 2006 | Educational - Reading writing - Real-time - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Bookworm Adventures Volume 2 | 2009 | Educational - Reading writing - Real-time - Role-playing - Turn-based - Vocabulary |
Bootleggers | 2003 | Persistent universe - Role-playing |
Borderlands | 2009 | First-person shooter - Role-playing |
Borderlands | 2009 | Action - Role-playing - Shooter |
Borderlands (Game of the Year Edition) | 2010 | Action - Role-playing - Shooter |
Borderlands: Claptrap's New Robot Revolution | 2010 | Action - Add-on - Futuristic - Role-playing |
Borderlands: Double Game Add-on Pack | 2010 | Action - Add-on - Futuristic - Role-playing - Shooter |
Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot | 2009 | Action - Add-on - Futuristic - Role-playing - Shooter |
Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned | 2009 | Action - Add-on - Role-playing - Shooter |
Boundary Gate: Daughter of Kingdom | 1997 | Medieval fantasy - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Boundless Ocean | 2005 | Role-playing |
Bounty Bay Online | 2008 | Persistent universe - Real-time - Role-playing - Strategy |
Brain Lord | 1994 | Action - Action role-playing - Adventure - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle - Puzzle-solving - Role-playing |
Braminar | 1987 | Adventure - Interactive fiction - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Brandish | 1991 | Action - Action role-playing - Adventure - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Brandish 2: The Planet Buster | 1993 | Action - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Brandish 3: Spirit of Balcan | 1994 | Action - Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Brandish 4 | 1998 | Action - Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Brandish VT | 1996 | Action - Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Branmarker | 1991 | Adult - Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Branmarker 2 | 1995 | Adult - Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Branmarker: Shami Risni no Bōken | 2006 | Adult - Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Brave Fencer Musashi | 1998 | Action - Action role-playing - Adventure - Manga - Role-playing |
Brave Soul | 2003 | Action - Adult - Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Braveheart | 2011 | Action - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing |
Breach 3 | 1995 | Futuristic - Real-time - Role-playing - Strategy |
Breakdown | 2004 | Action - Action-adventure - Adventure - Fighting - First person - Futuristic - Role-playing - Shooter |
Breath of Death VII: The Beginning | 2010 | Manga - Medieval fantasy - Post-apocalyptic - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Breath of Fire | 1993 | Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Breath of Fire II | 1994 | Medieval fantasy - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Breath of Fire III | 1997 | Manga - Medieval fantasy - Role-playing - Turn-based |
Breath of Fire IV | 2000 | Medieval fantasy - Role-playing - Turn-based |