The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact is a fighting game for the PlayStation 2, produced by SNK subsidiary Noise Factory published by SNK Playmore in 2004-2005. An enhanced version was released for Xbox and PlayStation 2 under the title KOF: Maximum Impact - Maniax (KOF Maximum Impact in the U.S.). Marketed as a spinoff of SNK's major fighting series The King of Fighters, from whence many of its characters originate, KOF: Maximum Impact also contains elements of the Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting series. KOF: Maximum Impact is the first 3D fighter made by SNK since 1999's Samurai Shodown: Warriors' Rage for the PlayStation. The game was followed by KOF: Maximum Impact 2.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PlayStation 2 (PS2) -