While Moon Patrol had the player jumping over craters and shooting UFOs in a lunar buggy, this game differs in that it is now piles of rocks and stalagmites the player must direct a loinclothed warrior to jump over, while decapitating unwholesome humanoid monsters with single thwacks of his mighty sword... all the while zipping along in a pair of retro '80s roller skates. (Aw, not that hoary old cliché again!)
A given level will follow a direct path from left to right, progress indicated on a linear map; the Barbarian's task is to traverse the level to its end, retrieve a flag found there and return back the way he came unimpeded. The gameplay really is about as simple as that: the most complicating element is when the player is called upon to swing the sword at a monster and jump over a hazard simultaneously -- a double-header requiring nerves of steel, the decapitations now effected through a dainty flip of the ankle while in full (and very manly) grand jeté! Contact with an enemy or obstacle reduces the amount of pairs of roller skates in this savage warrior's possession, and when they're gone, the game ends. (Without the roller rally, there's just a Barbarian -- and that game's already been done! Twice!)
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)