Based on the popular manga and anime series, Bish?jo Senshi Sailor Moon tells the story of a group of Japanese high-school girls, who discover that they have magical abilities, and turn into "sailor" (thanks to the Japanese high-school uniform design) warriors, who must help the inhabitants of the Moon to defeat the evil forces of the Dark Kingdom.
The game is structured like an episode from the series. The player can experience the story through the eyes of five protagonists: Rei, Makoto, Usagi, Ami, and Minako. Their stories merge into one later, but the events are seen each time from the point of view of the respective protagonist.
The game is essentially a visual novel, since the gameplay interventions are very limited and even more sparse than in a typical Japanese-style adventure with its verb commands. The player is able to make choices from time to time, which might alter the subsequent dialogue and/or events; however, the general progression of the story is automatic, without movement or interaction.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : TurboGrafx CD (Turbo CD)