"The object of the game is to make a fortune by acquiring as many companies as posible within each industry while building a monopoly." There are 12 different industries and the player begins holding one company in each. First, the player must raise funds through financing (either a bank loan, venture capitalists, or junk bonds), stock trading, and later greenmail (above market offers for stock the player holds, usually to stave off a takeover). The player only deals with one industry at a time, but can change at any time and use funds gained in one to take over companies in another.
It sounds simple, but there is a hostile corporation in each industry that is also trying to take over other companies. Additionally, there are three possible responses to a takeover bid: accept, offer too low, and no deal. In the case of "no deal," only a hostile takeover can be done, and the company will use takeover blocking tactics. And if a hostile corporation gets controlling interest in your company, you can no longer buy stock in that industry. Luckily, you can also use takeover blocking tactics.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Dos)