First Day in Sweden is the first game in an episodic flash-based adventure series, spearheaded by Will Eaken, Dave Rigley and Dimitris Manos. The first episode introduces Emilio Carboni, a 22-year-old exchange student from Florence, Italy, and his friend Vincenzo. Gifted with stereotypical Italian traits, Emilio thinks every woman desires him, although none have shown interest so far. Vincenzo is quite the opposite, but girls find him attractive because of his looks.
When Vincenzo returns from an exchange program and shows pictures of Swedish girls to Emilio, the latter decides to apply as well, despite his mother's objections. The entire episode spans the time he leaves Italy and his arrival in Sweden, meeting the other students, adding up to about two to four hours of gameplay. The overall structure is reminiscent of a TV sitcom like Friends or That 70s Show with a fast pace and lots of humor. All characters are voiced by known actors from the industry. While the trial version can be played for free, the full version needs be unlocked for ?10. The game includes a built-in hint system to provide help when you are stuck.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Macintosh -
PC (Windows)