Stewie's Arsenal, based on animated Family Guy TV series, is a collection of four mini-games. The objective of each mini-game is to humiliate a member of the Griffin family. The game can be played in two modes: story and arcade. In the story mode the player plays through each of the mini games in turn an try to humiliate the whole family in one go. In the arcade mode the player can play any of the mini games indefinitely for a high score. The player must however complete the whole story mode before going on to the arcade mode. Each mini games has five levels that has to be completed before moving on to the next game. The four mini games are:Brain Cell Buster
The first mini game is similar to Space Invaders. In it the player takes control of Stewie's miniature space ship and has to destroy the brain cells inside Peter's head, and reduce his IQ to zero.
Grocery Aisle Bash
In this mini game the player controls Stewie in a runaway shopping cart. The goal is to use a baseball bat to destroy as many objects on the shelves at either side of the aisle. This will humiliate Lois as here shopping budget is reduced to zero.
Mind Control Device
The goal of this mini game is to take control of Chris' mind by using a mind control device. To do so the player has to use a jetpack to navigate through the family's house and place the device on sleeping Chris' head. This mini game also involve an evil monkey that tries to awaken Chris. The gameplay is similar to Thrust.
Snowball Launcher
In this-mini game Stewie has to humiliate Meg by throwing snow balls at her. This is played from a first person perspective where the player simply controls the cross-hair.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Mobile (Java ME)