The protagonist of this game is a young boy named Ken Ohsato, whose parents were killed in a traffic accident. His father had worked for a big corporation before he died; its owner, a very wealthy woman named Reiko Hayami, decides to give the poor boy a new home. As Ken enters his new residence, he is pleasantly surprised to discover that from now on he will share a house with Mrs. Hayami's five young and beautiful daughters. But not all is simple - soon the young hero will find himself involved in complex relationships he would actually prefer not to have...
Fatal Relations plays like a typical Japanese adventure. The player reads text, views non-animated pictures, and chooses verb commands from a menu ("Look", Talk", etc.). Navigation in the house is also performed by selecting a specific location from a menu. Different cutscenes will be triggered depending on where the player decides to go, and how he handles the various encounters with the young women.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : NEC PC-9801 -
PC (Windows)