Go West: A Lucky Luke Adventure is based on the animated movie of the same name and basically a mini game collection. The basic story is that the Daltons escape from the authorities, rob a few banks and hide in a settler's track to California. Of course Lucky Luke is already on their tail...
The game consists of 40 linearly arranged mini games which follow the movie story - in fact after every solved game the player can watch a short movie clip. Most mini games can be divided into four categories: shooting sequences, movement (e.g. on a horse or in a plane) while dodging obstacles, drawing and rhythm games. There a also a few ones which don't fall into these categories, e.g. cooking. During these games the player alternately takes the role of all main characters. The game utilizes the special control advantages and graphic abilities of all platforms but the game itself stays the same.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Wii -
PC (Windows)