Initial D is a Japanese anime series about the adventures of Tak (originally Takumi), a tofu delivery boy in his beat-up "Trueno" (Toyota Corolla). One night, when a guy in a shiny new sports car won't let him pass, Tak passed him despite in a vastly inferior car, and thus touched off a series of events where he must race some of the best racers in the area.
Join one of the four factions and defend your turf in the treacherous mountain roads, or take them all on as Tak, the the most grueling racing of all - the Duct Tape Deathmatch. Drift around corners at high speeds up and down the windy roads, where each turn can be your last. Who will you join and how will you do against the best? Four factions, dozen different tracks, and eight different drivable cars await you.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)