The game is based on the manga and anime series Kimagure Orange Road. The protagonist is a young boy named Kyosuke Kasuga. He and his siblings (twin sisters) possess supernatural abilities: telekinesis, teleportation, time shift, etc. The tradition of their family forbids them to use these powers publicly. Whenever they fail to hide their unique nature, the whole family has to move. But now Kyosuke has met a beautiful girl, who is being courted by another guy - a big temptation for him to use the powers...
Kimagure Orange Road: Natsu no Mirage is a Japanese-style adventure game. The interaction is performed by selecting verb/object combinations from an omnipresent menu. There are no puzzles, but the list of verbs include (beside the usual "Examine", "Talk", and "Move") also the commands "Take" and "Use" (an item). These are sometimes required to execute in order to trigger the next event of the story.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : NEC PC-8801 -
NEC PC-9801