In this game the player is Akane, a fearless girl who's out to deliver mail to lots and lots of mailboxes! The game is divided in several stages. Each stage is timed and she needs to deliver mail to all the mailboxes and find the exit before the timer hits zero.
Instead of having the player control Akane herself, the player spins the entire stage around. If the ground is tilted enough, Akane will start walking in the direction the slope is. If it tilts even further she'll start running, a technique that needs to be used to take down obstacles that get in the way, such as vending machines. The stage needs to be tilted around completely to get some of the mailboxes, as they sit both on the ground and in the ceiling as well as on the walls.
There are also scattered bonuses to pick up to increase Akane's score and earn extra lives like coins, lucky cats and more.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Playstation (PSX)