The story begins with Spyro playing with his friend Sparx in the swamps, when they're attacked by some unknown creatures. After a hard struggle to defeat them, a door to a secret temple in ruins is revealed. Curiously Spyro enters, where he comes across a Guardian Dragon. He tells Spyro that he could be the Dragon Child of the Prophecy. To prove he is the anointed one Spyro is told he has to retrieve the Crystal Shard from the Homelands of the Guardians. To help Spyro in his forthcoming journey, he is taught how to breath fire. And if he succeeds the Dragon Guardian will reveal more of story to him as he would of proven himself.
In the event of Spyro's success, he would learn that there are 3 other Dragon Guardians being held captive by an evil she-dragon, Cynder. Each Guardian Dragon knows a little more of the full story as well as being able to teach Spyro a new breath. Each new breath can help Spyro to open gates to new worlds. After freeing all of the guardians, Sypro would have to defeat Cynder in the Secret Temple.
The Gameplay includes platform, flight, puzzle solving and combat, there is also a level to unlock. Spyro is upgraded throughout the game.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Mobile (Java ME)