Become the owner of a Magic Shop abandoned long ago by master magician Loriel. Customers looking to buy artifacts knock on the door, enter the shop and place their orders. Solve puzzles, collect gems and use spells until their order is filled. With red gems collected, buy potions to keep waiting patrons happy or enchantments to increase the value of items being sold.
The game plays out in the form of days with a set number of customers and a points goal for each. If you fail to meet the requirements, the entire day level must be replayed. The game ends after retrying three times.
Magic Shop uses a "click group to clear" method of gameplay. Point to a group of same-colored tiles and, if they shimmer, click on them to remove the bunch. New tiles move in from the top to fill the blank spaces. Concentrating on the colors needed to fill your customer's order, remove those tiles as quickly as possible. Special bonus tiles aid in removing large groups of tiles at once or changing their color. As the game progresses, spells are introduced which can do a variety of things like clear tiles from the board, shuffle them, or remove rocks, for instance.
Bonus levels are timed concentration games. Find matches by turning over cards. Click on two matching cards.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)