Musaic Box is a music game with geometric puzzles. The player has to fit tetrominoes pieces on a central grid of varying size. When clicked, each piece plays a section of an arrangement of a well-known theme.
The goal is to line up all the parts so the pieces fit and play the complete tune, with all the instrumentation. Each block from the pieces has a symbol representing a different instrument by color, and sound wave by shape. Music rolls at the bottom of the screen play the complete main melody, and each separate part is under a grid column showing the correct order of the blocks. When two blocks with the same instrument overlap, they turn black to indicate the mistake. Some levels don't have the music rolls, and have to be solved without their aid.
The grid outlines are scattered and hidden on several locations. The player must search for pieces of outlines on the scenery that, when copied to the songbook, give access to one of the puzzles. A map at the top-left shows the number of outlines remaining in the room. As the player solves the music puzzles, the game opens new rooms with more outlines and puzzles.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Mobile (Android) -
PC (Windows)