The Onimusha series continues two decades after the fall of Nobunaga by Samanosuke. Hideyoshi Toyotomi is now leader of a united Japan. He resurrects the Genma and a new hero named Soki rises to the challenge. The game is told through various CGI cutscenes, and features seventeen stages. Besides Soki, multiple characters can be played (five in total), all with their different style of fighting. Soki uses swords, Jubei uses blades, and Ohatsu uses projectiles. The gameplay is faster-paced compared to its predecessors. It is now possible to lock on enemies instead of button mashing like in the original games. Cooperative puzzles have been added as well. In addition, a 360-degree camera is now available.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PlayStation 2 (PS2)