Game Classification

Oscar Flair Software Ltd., Flair Software Ltd., 1993  

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming





This title is used by the following domains:
  • Entertainment


This title targets the following audience:
Age : 12 to 16 years old / 17 to 25 years old
General Public


The gameplay of this title is Game-based
(designed with stated goals)

The core of gameplay is defined by the rules below:

Similar games

Oscar Your name is Oscar. You have to run and jump through 7 Levels in Hollywood-style (Science Fiction, Western, Horror, Cartoons, Dino, Detective and Gameshow) to find Oscars (yes ? the Academy Award!).

If you have enough Oscars you solve the level. You can choose the levels in every order you want. In the levels you must jump on platforms to discover the level.

You kill the enemies by jumping on them. Some of them lose a power up like invulnerable or a superjump. You can also find a JoJo to break down walls or using as ladder. Two creatures are no opponents. First the white rabbit. He gives you a extra continue. Second a red elephant. Touch him for using as save point in level. [source:mobygames]

Distribution : Retail - Commercial
Platform(s) : Amiga CD32 - Amiga - PC (Dos) - Super Nintendo (SNES)
