Overlord Minions brings the Overlord franchise onto the Nintendo DS platform. In Minions, you control a team of four minions (Giblet, Blaze, Stench, and Zap), an "elite special farces" team in a quest to prevent the cult known as the Kindred from resurrecting the Dragon Kin - a race of human/dragon hybrids that will replace the Overlord despotism with their own.
Unlike the other games in the brand, the Overlord himself does not make an appearance. Instead, the Gnarl, the faithful and sycophantic advisor to the Dark Lord is the narrator and guides the players through their quests.
This game is a puzzle combat game where all the action is controlled entirely through the stylus, as if you are the Overlord yourself directing the hapless creatures.
Puzzles are solved by using the different special abilities of the minions to negotiate the obstacles and combat involves swiping the screen to direct the attacks similar to games like Zelda Phantom Hourglass.
The game keeps the trademark Overlord humour, focusing on the mischievous physical comedy of the minion's antics and the story was written by the award-winning games writer Rhianna Pratchett, who also wrote the stories for the previous games.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Nintendo DS