As the pilot of an underpowered tank with stone wheels and a single-shot turret, you must take out the full force of tanks which inhabit the island of Panzadrome, which is split into 64 flick-screen regions. Nothing unusual there, but the tanks and mounted turrets of Panzadrome are robotic, and controlled by a central computer. Plasma vents send their power throughout the network, and are destructible but heavily protected by tanks ? these are thus your main target.
Upgrades to your tank can be purchased from robot factories, each of which offers a single product. The most important of these is the Polycrete, which allows you to repair the huge impassable craters that are left in the ground by enemy fire. This adds a puzzle element to the game, as you aim to kill tanks in wide areas where possible, to prevent boxing yourself in. Keep an eye on the scanner in order to avoid landmines, and don?t allow your shields to be destroyed.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Amstrad CPC -
ZX Spectrum