The game is a sequel to the original Pilot Brothers, the first Russian adventure game. It was released in a year after the first part and was officially called "an add-on", as there was almost no change in the graphics nor in the gameplay, and also it was twice shorter then the first one.
In this game you, again, play the role of two detectives-wanna-be, Pilot Brothers. This time they are in search for their cat, Baldahin, who was mysteriously kidnapped by strange creature Sumo. There are nine screens in the game, and on each of them you have to solve some puzzles, using the abilities of each of the brothers (for example, only Chef may knock doors or make some intelligent conclusions, while Colleague is usually used for some stupid stuff or just for fun). Every screen is self-contained and is connected with others only by the plot. All in all, the gameplay is very similar to, say, Gobliins 2.
Graphics and animation for the game was made by professional animators from Pilot Studio (who also made the cartoon both games are based on).
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)