Game Classification

Ballz / Ballz 3D: The Battle of the Balls PF Magic / Rob Fulop (U.S.A.), Accolade (U.S.A.), 1994  

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming





This title is used by the following domains:
  • Entertainment


This title targets the following audience:
Age : 12 to 16 years old / 17 to 25 years old
General Public


The gameplay of this title is Game-based
(designed with stated goals)

The core of gameplay is defined by the rules below:

Similar games

Gun Gun

Ballz / Ballz 3D: The Battle of the Balls Some attribute the game's poor performance in the marketplace to botched marketing. Accolade gave it little print advertising, but even the ads it did for the game gave little clue as to what type of game Ballz was. One just had an image of a Christmas Tree made of spheres and contained the caption "Tell your mom you want Ballz for Christmas." The box of the game also gave little hint of the type of game it was, since it depicted just a jumbled image of numerous spheres. Some assumed it was some sort of Tetris clone. [source:wikipedia]

Distribution : Retail - Commercial
Platform(s) : 3DO - Genesis (Megadrive) - Super Nintendo (SNES)
