The game is based on a manga and animé series of the same name. It is set in future, during the time of World War III. The two heroes Shuuji and Chise are a boy and a girl who live on Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan. Gradually, they fall in love with each other, but during an assault on Hokkaido Shuuji discovers the terrible truth: Chise is not an ordinary girl, but the ultimate weapon Japan relies on in order to win the war. The struggle for Chise's humanity and their love begins...
The game is a "digital novel" which is composed of text (occasionally with voice acting) and still animé-style images. As the story advances, Shuuji will have to choose between various answers and actions, determining his relationship with Chise. It is possible to experience the story the way it was in the animé series, or create your own story. The best ending can be achieved by proving your love to Chise and saving her from her terrible destiny, but there are many other endings as well.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PlayStation 2 (PS2)