Delving deep toward the Black Holes found after the events of Star Defender III, our hero must once again protect the galaxy from the legions of Insectus and other more mysterious threats.
The fourth chapter of this top-down shooter series introduces new weapons such as the flame thrower, acid bombs, and the ship slicing and dicing cutter. Also new to this chapter are numerous new enemy types and naturally 8 new boss monsters each located at the end of every 12 mission level. A total of 100 missions awaits the brave pilot who dares to challenge the horde of alien onslaught.
Kept over from the previous chapter are some enemy types and popular weapons of choice. Weapon leveling up is still completed in the same manner by picking up nuclear pickups left behind by enemy combatants. When you get hit you'll lose a pickup and your ship's weapons will get weaker and eventually explode. Bonuses such as time-freeze and missile strikes will help keep up your longevity. Movement as before is limited to a horizontal plane at the bottom of the screen.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Macintosh -
PC (Windows)