Mega Man ZX, known in Japan as Rockman ZX (????????, Rokkuman Zekusu?), is the first installment in the Mega Man ZX series, the sixth series in Capcom's Mega Man video games franchise. It is the second Mega Man platformer to appear on the Nintendo DS, after Double Team DS, although it's the first game exclusive to the DS. The game contains vocal acting in Japanese; although largely cut from the English version, and many animated sequences with subtitles in English. As a first for the Mega Man series, the game features both a male and female protagonist. Preorders of the Japanese version of the game came packaged with a DVD containing trailers and gameplay footage of Mega Man ZX, and a teaser trailer for the seventh Mega Man series, Mega Man Star Force. A sequel, entitled Mega Man ZX Advent has also been released.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Nintendo DS