Super Robot Wars Original Generations Gaiden, or SRWOGG for short, is a direct sequel to the PS2 title Super Robot Wars Original Generations. The basic concept of a Super Robot Wars game used to be to have various famous robots from popular mecha anime (Japanese cartoons about giant robots) be on the same team in a strategy RPG. The Original Generation games changed this formula a tad, as they only include robots originally created by Banpresto.
The gameplay of this game is generally the same as the rest of the Super Robot Wars games, though it mostly reminds of Super Robot Wars Original Generations and Super Robot Wars Alpha 3. You control a number of robots placed on a grid map, then you use a cursor to select your robots individually. Commands are given through a menu which pops up when you select a robot. You can move your robot, attack with it if there are enemies in range, and use robot pilot's spirit commands, which is more or less an equivalent of buffing (beneficial) spells in other games. When you attack, the screen changes from the map view to a side view, where the robots relevant to the fight unleash their respective attacks.
Between each battle scenario, there is story progression through text dialogue between the characters of the game. You also get to enter the intermission menu, which is kind of a garage where you can spend money and pilot points, which is gained by killing enemies during battle. The money can be spent to upgrade your robots by increasing various statistics, such as armor, mobility and weapon power. Pilot points can be used to give your pilots different skills or raise their stats. An example is the skill Attacker, which increases damage done by the pilot's robot by 20% when certain criteria are met. There are also some other things you can do, such as saving and loading the game and equipping so-called parts, which is this games equivalent to the usual equipment of any RPG.
This game has most of the cast and the robots from Super Robot Wars Original Generations and adds more new robots and new pilots (such as Folka in the Ialdabaoth, one of the main characters of this game) to play and play against. It also has a few extra modes; free battle, where you can pit any robot and pilot from this and the previous game against each other without having to have them in your team or the opposing team in the story mode, and the Shuffle Battler, which is a strange card game using cards and dice.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PlayStation 2 (PS2)