The events of the game are set in the future. The Galactic Police discovers that a scientist named Cronus has conducted genetic experiments on human beings. The police chief rescues three little girls, each one of whom bears the traces of these experiments. Fast-forward fifteen years: the three young women - Saki, Lilis, and Ariel - now work for the Galactic Police, determined to find out the truth about their origins and the nature of experiments. They are sent on three dangerous missions - missions they might not survive...
Team Innocent: The Point of No Return is an adventure game with action elements. The player controls each one of the three girls during the three missions. Each of the heroines must explore a large location, collecting items and solving puzzles on the way. The young women can also find and equip various weapons, from pistols to axes. The player can choose one of the three action modes for combat: melee attack, kicking, and shooting. The girls are navigated from third-person perspective on pre-rendered backgrounds and constantly changing camera angles, similarly to Alone in the Dark games, except for the protagonists being sprites and not 3D models. The game has many anime-style cutscenes and voice-overs for dialogues.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC-FX