Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade Attack is a modern take on the original Turtles arcade game. Just like TMNT: Smash Up on the Wii this game was also released to celebrate the franchise's 25th anniversary and likewise also uses the original black and white style comic panels to move the story forward.
Unlike Konami's Turtle beat 'em ups, Arcade Attack is in fact 3D while attempting to play as though it were 2D but with a slightly isometric camera angle. The game can be played alone with a CPU ally or with a friend wirelessly with a selection of the four turtles, each with their own varying stats. Also much like Smash Up, while the game tries to blend both the new and the old TMNT universe all into one it leans a lot more heavily toward the new with its visual style and enemy selection.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Nintendo DS