In this installment of the Tenshitachi no Gogo series, the player takes the role of Tatsuya Shindou, the new teacher in the girls-only Shirakaba High School. Following the tradition of the series (as well as many other hentai games), the protagonist's only interest is in having sex with as many girls as possible, regardless of their age and social status, and even regardless of their consent...
Tenshitachi no Gogo 6: My Fair Teacher plays similarly to the previous games in the series, having an extensive menu with verb commands that allows interaction with the environment. As before, the player usually has to deplete most of the available commands before triggering an event and moving to another screen. The interface looks slightly different, having general command groups "Look", "Speak", and "Action", with object menus and specific action commands accessed via sub-menus.
Like the other Tenshitachi no Gogo games, this installment has explicit non-consensual sex scenes; in this game, there are also explicit depictions of sex with children.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : NEC PC-9801