This place would indeed be paradise, were it not for the fact that the Can Nibbles inhabit it. Herbert and Wilma Week are trapped by them, so Wally has become the third Week in paradise in his attempt at rescuing them.
This is an arcade adventure resembling the other Wally Week games, although it represents David Perry's design debut. There are many animals to avoid including stinging bees and butterflies, but the toughest foe is the Indian chief, best avoided with a well-timed jump. There are multi-stage puzzles to solve on each screen, and a limit of carrying 2 objects at a time.
The setting is largely jungle, but there are forests, beaches and huts amongst other things to explore as well. Movement between screens is generally from left to right, but you will go into the screen via signposted sections, and occasionally travel vertically as well.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Amstrad CPC -
PC (Windows) -
ZX Spectrum