The second game in the Tokimeki Memorial series is not directly related to its predecessor story-wise. The story takes place in a different high school (Hibikino High), and the protagonist's suggested main love interest is Hikari Hinomoto, whom he meets again after the two were separated since they were eight years old.
Like its predecessor, Tokimeki Memorial 2 is a simulation of dating. The player character possesses statistics, which includes general attributes such as health and charisma, as well as school subject-specific parameters (literature, arts, science, etc.). Beside those personal statistics, there are also indicators concerning the relationship the protagonist is having with one of the girls. The focus of the gameplay is to arrange the hero's statistics in such a way that the result will attract the girl. Statistics can be raised by dedicating time and effort to corresponding activities (such as attending literature class and reading in order to raise the literature parameter). The player character can also participate in various school club activities, which might affect his attraction level to different girls.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Playstation (PSX)