Wily & Right no RockBoard: That's Paradise is a board game adaptation of the Rock Man (Mega Man) series of games. It plays somewhat similar to Monopoly in that there are the buying and selling of properties and construction of "labs", however RockBoard remains it's own unique game. Between 2 and 4 players can play, being controlled either by human players or the computer.
Choosing the number of players and one of five characters: Dr. Wily, Dr. Right, Dr. Cossack, Kalinka and Roll, players must select which of four different boards to play. Upon starting, players begin each turn by rolling the dice and moving to the appropriate position on the board. Different squares on the board trigger events which can include receiving special cards, betting on hardhat races and random events. Players typically go around and around the board, collecting money every time they pass or land on the "E Canister" start square. Some boards feature different paths for the player to choose. Players landing on property are given the opportunity to buy it or pay rent to the player that owns it.
Additionally, players can elect to build a lab on the property, even if they themselves don't own it. Thus it is possible to have separate owners for the property and lab. In those cases, rent is split between the two parties. Rent becomes more expensive when it is situated next to owners of the same kind. Thus, a line of labs or a line of properties owned by the same player will connect to each other and make the rent more expensive on each. Each property can only be bought once, however labs can be upgraded through four different phases, which is done only when the player lands on the property or activates a special bonus event. Players can also "take over" a lab or property from a player at any time, however the cost in doing so is more expensive than obtaining the property from the bank. Players can use cards they have collected at the beginning of each turn, each with it's own unique effects.
Many boards feature a "Robot Transform" square that will change the player into one of Dr. Wily's robot masters for one complete rotation around the board. Transformations include Guts Man who will destroy labs he lands on, Shadow Man who will steal other player's cards and Dust Man who will steal the rent of properties he lands on.
Each board has a specific objective in amount of money, property and labs required to win. The first player who reaches this amount ends the game. Rankings are then displayed for all players.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : NES (Famicom)