Game Classification

MD Advisor EMCO3 (France), EMCO3 (France), 2012  

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming





Besides play, this title features the following intents:
  • Training


This title is used by the following domains:
  • Healthcare


This title targets the following audience:
Age : 17 to 25 years old / 25 to 35 years old


The gameplay of this title is Game-based
(designed with stated goals)

Similar games


MD Advisor A Serious Game designed to train doctor students on how to establish a medical diagnosis. MD Advisor is a serious game that allows medical students to test their skills as future

Perform for example the differential diagnosis of lower limb edema in a virtual doctor's office.

From the initial consultation with the patient, information is collected and recorded through a simulated step-by-step interview and an exchange of question and answers.

A medical file can be consulted at any time to review a summary of the ongoing diagnostics and to make additional notes if desired.

Once the initial interview is complete, we move on to perform the physical examination of the patient.

The different phases of the physical examination are undertaken, from the taking of vital signs, auscultation, inspection, palpation and percussion to collect and evaluate the clinical signs required to build and complete your diagnosis.

You can always go back on your choices, but this will be taken into account in your
performance evaluation.

To assist you during the patient examination, various medical instruments are available. For example, during the cardiac auscultation, a stethoscope allows you to listen to the simulated sounds of the different auscultation areas.

Visual indicators can also replicate sensory information such as temperature or the
consistency of the edema during palpation.

To refine your diagnosis, ask for additional tests such as laboratory tests or medical imaging. When you feel you have gathered enough information, go to the diagnostic whiteboard. Select the diseases that seem relevant to the signs and symptoms of the patient.

In a second step, refine your diagnosis. For example you can suspect a disease or rule- out another. The artificial intelligence module will analyze your diagnostis and display a remediation list as well as explanations of errors detected.

Explanations may take the form of 3D resources: models, simulators, to explain the pathology studied, based on the principles of pathophysiology, which means the physiological or pathological processes that have lead to our case.

A final score will evaluate your analysis based on the signs and your choice of diagnosis.

With MD Advisor become the doctor of tomorrow.

Distribution : Internet - Commercial
Platform(s) : iPad - PC (Windows)
