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Amnesty the game Hellenic Game Developer's Association, Amnesty International, 2011 Play it Now !


E.S.A.R. system

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main-screen-300x171.png Amnesty-the Game” is a serious game which supports the efforts of Amnesty International to globally abolish The Death Penalty. It’s a volunteer project by members of the HGDA (the Hellenic Game Developers Association), in association with Amnesty International’s Greek section.

You have taken up the torch of Amnesty International’s cause and charged yourself with the task of influencing key countries towards abolishment of Capital Punishment. As you progress through Amnesty, you will have to perform your actions in a way that influences government opinion against the Death Penalty with the aim of saving the lives of certain prisoners who, without your help, will be executed!

Distribution : Internet - Free
Platform(s) : Browser (Flash) - Macintosh - PC (Windows)
