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Win-Firme (le jeu d'introduction à la gestion d'entreprise) Nicolas Frank et Olivier Vidal (France), Acsens (France), 2013 Download it Now !

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Business game - Management simulation
Through the business simulation, participants apprehend a series of theoretical concepts from business strategy, marketing , accounting, financial analysis, general economic, business economics , law, taxation.

The simplicity of Win-Firme makes it particularly suitable as an introduction to management seminars or lesons. The interface is very easy. The rules of the game itself are very intuitive.

The originality of Win-Firme lies in the deliberate research of evidence. Too many business games, for the sake of realism, increase the number of variables and parameters, making the educational use difficult. Here, designers always give the animator the ability to identify the causes of any situations .

The software is an educational support as much or more than a fun game. It offers to the animator a series of documents to assist his training process.

Finally, Win-Firme is probably the cheapest business game. Moreover, a completely free version is available.