Game Classification

Mission to Sell E Learning solutions by Cegos (France), E Learning solutions by Cegos (France), 2011 Play it Now !


E.S.A.R. system

Classify this game
Mission-to-sell.jpg Cegos designed and developed its Mission to Sell serious game for sales teams to sharpen their selling techniques and harness the right behaviour partners and attitudes for successful sales.
Learners take on a real-life challenge combining reflex games, case studies and sales meetings, immersed in a novel and engaging graphic environment.
Sales executives use this game as a professional role-playing exercise to practise and master the main phases that lead to a sale (Comprehend, set a Course, Convince and Conclude).
Mission to Sell:
- Sharpens skills and enables sale success
- Trains you at your pace and includes personal coaching
- Is a challenge that you can tackle alone or in a team

Distribution : Commercial
Platform(s) : Mobile - PC (Windows) - Tablet (Android) - Tablet (Windows)
