Game Classification

Backstage-game (Bkstg-game) Id6-CCCP (France), Id6 (France), 2014 Play it Now !

Video Game


  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Informative message broadcasting


  • State & Governement
  • Education
  • Corporate


  • 17 to 25 years old

Bkstg-game is a Serious Game which offers a unique experience: to design and run a live music venue. Young learner players have access to all the points of reference essential for setting up and managing the project, with step-by-step instructions and opportunities for support and guidance. It is intended to become a tool for all careers and employment professionals by engaging players in an adventure that will provide them with a thorough understanding of the basics of project management, including approaching the right people for information, dealing with the unexpected, getting organised, etc. The game is primarily designed to be used on site, where it will encourage the virtual to become a reality! This serious game will allow many social and educational organisations to establish new relationships with young people by enriching their teaching with a fun, but serious training solution.