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J'aime les patates (Un jeu pour planter de nouvelles idées et faire pousser le changement) Vali Fugulin, en collaboration avec minority et Ruben Farrus (Canada), ONF (Canada), 2016 Download it Now !


E.S.A.R. system

Classify this game
Le développement durable avec l'application "J'aime les patates"
Heal the world , make it a better place

Chips, the little hero of the adventure, has a mission of the most importance : he should save Potatoland , his ex- wonderful world . For in this world lived a monster that , in exchange for potatoes, offers residents everything they wanted : video games, luxury goods , food . Happiness ! Alas, the monster was too potatoes room and completely stuffed , eventually collapses .

Chips, brave little character , so for the ride and will learn to get out of stereotypes and eat and live differently . Like the player, he then understands that goods are not infinite .

Distribution : Internet - Free
Platform(s) : Macintosh - Mobile - Mobile (Android) - PC (Linux) - PC (Windows) - Tablet (Android) - Tablet (Windows)
