Game Classification

Cascade société Fayju, en collaboration avec le docteur Jody Masson de l’Université Essex. (United Kingdom), 2013  


E.S.A.R. system

Classify this game
cascade5-940x529.jpg "Explore interconnected worlds in an infinite universe. A malevolent force that surrounds you is closing in, extinguishing everything in a Cascade of annihilation. You are the last frontier against this Devastation, save as many worlds as you can before there is nothing left to save and all is lost to memory.

Beneath this apparent intergalactic warfare experience lies a sinister and unsettling truth.
Cascade is a game set in a brain under the siege of Alzheimer’s disease. Moving between brain cells you have the power to stabilize them against this onslaught.
according" (Fayju's blog)

Distribution : Internet
Platform(s) :
