Game Classification

enfants-soldats Etudiants de l’université de Dalhousie (Canada), Initiative Enfants soldats de Roméo Dallaire (Canada), 2016  


E.S.A.R. system

Classify this game
enfants-soldats.jpg Dalhousie University students have developed a serious game for the peacekeeping mission in Somalia. It is primarily for peacekeeping troops to assist in their work with child soldiers in Somalia, suitable first interactive scenarios in which they must apply to these children.

The game must save and soldiers reading long technical documents. Players are immersed in a realistic universe : for example , they meet a child who has a gun and will respond accordingly.

Platform(s) : iPad - iPhone / iPod Touch - Macintosh - Mobile (Android) - Mobile (BlackBerry) - Mobile (Windows Mobile) - Mobile (Windows Phone) - PC (Windows)
