Game Classification

Alpha Waves Infogrames (Christophe de Dinechin) (France), Infogrames (International)/Data East (North America) (France), 1990  

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming





This title is used by the following domains:
  • Entertainment


This title targets the following audience:
Age : 12 to 16 years old / 17 to 25 years old
General Public


The gameplay of this title is Game-based
(designed with stated goals)

The core of gameplay is defined by the rules below:

Similar games

Kye Kye

Alpha Waves Alpha Waves is an early 3D game that combines labyrinthine exploration with platform gameplay. By most definitions of the genre it could be considered to be the first 3D platform game, released in 1990, 6 years before the genre's seminal classic Mario 64. It was released one year before Hovertank 3D, which is sometimes incorrectly credited as being the first 3D game on the PC. It was an abstract game with a moody, artistic presentation, curiously named for its supposed ability to stimulate the different emotional centers of the brain with its use of color and music. [source:wikipedia]

Distribution : Retail - Commercial
Platform(s) : Amiga - Atari ST - PC (Dos)
