Game Classification

Flappy Bird (Flappy Bird) Stephen Wright (Algeria), 2022 Play it Now !

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming




Besides play, this title features the following intents:
  • Educative message broadcasting


This title is used by the following domains:
  • Entertainment


This title targets the following audience:
Age : 0 to 3 years old


The gameplay of this title is Game-based
(designed with stated goals)

flappy-bird.png flappy bird is a smartphone game created by Vietnamese developer Dong Nguyen that was released in 2013. It immediately acquired popularity because to its addicting gameplay and easy physics, but it also sparked debate and attention due to its complexity and annoyance element.

In Flappy Bird, players take control of a little bird and guide it through a series of pipes with holes. The goal is to pass through the gaps without colliding with the pipes or the ground, which necessitates precise timing and synchronization. Each successful pass through a gap earns one point, and the goal is to get the greatest possible score.

Flappy Bird's high level of difficulty is one of its distinguishing features. The game is notorious for its harsh gameplay, with players frequently straining to keep the bird flying while avoiding obstacles. As a result, many players became addicted to the game, attempting to beat their own or others' high scores and posting their accomplishments on social media.

Distribution : Internet - Free
Platform(s) : 3DO - Gameboy (GB) - Intellivision - Mobile (Windows Mobile) - TRS-80 Color Computer
