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Bitlife game (A life simulator Game) Candywriter, llc. (United Kingdom), 2024 Play it Now !

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming


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Bitlife- A life simulator Game BitLife is a text-based life simulation game where you掌控 (zhàng kǒng) your character's life from birth to death. Here's a breakdown of the game:


Choices, Choices: BitLife is all about the choices you make. You'll be presented with a variety of options throughout your character's life, from what to study in school to whether to commit a crime. Each decision impacts your character's stats and future.
Life Stats: The game revolves around four main stats: health, happiness, smarts, and looks. These stats influence your character's overall well-being and can open or close doors throughout life.
Sandbox of Life: BitLife offers a wide range of experiences. You can be a law-abiding citizen, a notorious criminal, a Hollywood star, or anything in between. The possibilities are endless!
Things to Consider:

Mature Themes: BitLife deals with mature themes like crime, addiction, and adult relationships. It might not be suitable for younger audiences.
Text-Based: The game is text-based with no graphics or visuals. If you prefer action-packed games, BitLife might not be your cup of tea.
Overall, BitLife is a unique and engaging game that allows you to experience different life paths. If you're looking for a fun and thought-provoking way to spend your time, BitLife is definitely worth checking out!

Distribution : Free
Platform(s) : Mobile (Android) - Tablet (Android)
