During the 1990s, Nintendo released a series of Nintendo Wars games onto its Game Boy handheld system. These differed from Famicom Wars in that Famicom Wars was played on a square grid while Game Boy Wars was on a hexagonal grid. The Game Boy Wars subseries differs from the Intelligent Systems-developed games, including (Famicom Wars and the subsequent Advance Wars series), showing signs of being influenced by a similar strategy game, Military Madness, developed by Hudson Soft (the company behind Game Boy Wars TURBO, Game Boy Wars 2 and Game Boy Wars 3). These similarities including its use of a hexagonal (instead of square) grid, and greater emphasis on rock-paper-scissors-like gameplay (where unit A defeats unit B, unit B defeats unit C, and unit C defeats unit A).
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Gameboy (GB) -
GameGear (GG) -
NES (Famicom) -
Sega Master System