Final Zone (known in Japan as FZ Senki Axis) is an isometric mecha shooter game created by Wolf Team for Telenet Japan and its Renovation Products subsidiary in 1990. The player assumes the role of Howie Bowie, the hero soldier of the El Sharia Military Nation's foreign legion and commander of the unit known as "Team Undead". It is 100 years in the future and weapons of mass destruction have been banned from the field of war. Fighting is now done with the futuristic power armor known as the New Age Power Suit or NAP. You must use your K-19 Phantom NAP to traverse the deadly battlefields of the future and make it to Point A-46K Bloody Axis where you will occupy and destroy the target. The NAP suit can carry 14 weapons out of the 20 available weapons and it is up to you to use them to their maximum benefit.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Genesis (Megadrive) -
TurboGrafx CD (Turbo CD)